After you buy a land, you will need to go ahead and develop it. This is where you will have to deal with numerous expenses. One of the initial expenses that you will have to deal with would be the cost of getting utilities. In some of the instances, the cost of getting utilities would be higher than you expect. This is why we thought of sharing all details with related to the cost of having utilities installed on your land. You can keep these facts in mind and prepare getting all utilities that you need for the land accordingly.
How much does it cost for you to get utilities?
The cost of getting utilities to your land would vary depending on numerous factors. In fact, the overall cost would be somewhere around $10,000 to $30,000. This would heavily rely based on the location. That’s because lands that are located fat away from public utility connections would not be able to get utilities easily. There is a lot of preparation work that has to be done. Therefore, you will need to bear the cost associated with such preparation work.
On the other hand, you should also understand some of the power companies and cities are charging extra money for the services offered. Therefore, you will be able to get an accurate understanding about the cost by getting in touch with your local contractor or local services provider. While keeping that in mind, let’s take a quick look at the high level expenses that you will have to face when you are trying to obtain utilities to your land.
- Power
You will need to approach the local electric company to get power to your land. You will be able to connect with the electric company and get a better understanding about the cost of getting power to the land. They will analyze the location of your land and the distance to it from the closest power line. Based on that, you will be provided with an estimate.
You shouldn’t rely too much on the property seller to get power to the land. Instead, you will need to get in touch with the local electric company on your own and understand the cost of getting power. This is where you need to understand that the utility companies would usually charge for every foot that they will have to extent their power lines. If the closest pole is located around one mile from your property, you will have to spend around $40,000 to get power. This is why you should be taking a look at the utilities before you buy a property. It will provide you the chance to cut down most of the expenses that you will have to bear out of your pocket.
When you have power lines running next to the property, you will be able to save a lot of money when getting electricity. If you are not ready to spend thousands of dollars additionally, you should focus on this as you go ahead with purchasing property.
- Water
Most of the homes that exist in the United States are being provided with water by the municipal system. This will be the most convenient and the most affordable method available as of now for you to get water to the property. However, you need to get in touch with the county and request to connect you to the water supply. This would require some time. That’s because there is a need to connect you to the water main through the installation of pipes.
The cost of getting water to your land would cost you from $100 to $5,000. It all depends on the location of your land and the access to the closest running water supply. Apart from laying pipes, you will also have to deal with the cost associated with permits and numerous other procedures as well.
If your land is located outside the designated area that is managed by the municipal water supply, you will not be able to get water to it. However, there is no need to worry too much because you will still be able to drill your own well and get water. For drilling your well, you will have to spend around $2,000 to $25,000. It all depends on how easy it is to find water by drilling a well and the nature of well that you have. You will be able to request a quote from the general contractor, and you will be provided with all the information you want.
- Septic tank or sewer
Based on the location of your land, it would be possible to connect you to the municipal sewar main. You can get in touch with the county and request for more information with related to this. Upon request, you will be provided with all the details. Then you can decide what you are going to do. If that is not something possible, you will need to get a septic tank installed at the home.
When you want to get a septic tank installed, you will have to spend a considerable amount of money. This would vary depending on the nature of the septic system that you are getting. If you are only getting a basic septic system, you will only have to spend around $3,000 on it. But if you are going to get an advanced septic system that comes along with advanced functionalities, you will have to spend around $20,000 to get the job done.
Final words
These are the high level estimates on the cost of utilities that you will have to bear. You may take a look at these expenses and plan everything accordingly. Then you will be able to proceed with getting all the utilities that are required to use the land for any preferred purpose according to your needs.